Dr.Gaurav Sharma
Dr.Gaurav Sharma Scientist-E
Highest Academic degree, year |
Ph.D. Zoology; 2006
Department/Division |
Zoological Survey of India (MoEFCC), Northern Regional Centre, Kaulagarh Road, Dehradun-248195, Uttarakhand, INDIA.
Email Address |
drgaurav.sharma@gov.in; drgaurav.zsi@gmail.com
Phone Number |
8481071255; 7018403450.
Area of Expertise |
Taxonomy: Odonata and Mammalia
Experience after Ph. D. |
17 years
Significant Achievements |
(1). 17 Research Programme completed on diversity of Odonata, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera and Mammalia. (2). Documented Odonata and Lepidoptera diversity of Aravalli Range and Desert Ecosystem of Rajasthan. (3).Published an identification Manual of Schedule Mammals of India [Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972] and compiled updated document of Fauna species Listed in Schedules I & II of Indian Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Act, 2022. (4). Published Status survey of some Mammals in Gujarat with special reference to Chinkara and Desert Cat. (5). Delivered 82 lectures in National & International Conferences/Seminars/Workshops; organized 06 National Seminar/Conferences/Training Programmes and participated in 18 Training Programmes. (6). Selected as Odonata group experts by IUCN Species Programme (Species Survival Commission) Cambridge, United Kingdomfor assessment of Odonates of Eastern Himalaya and assessed 49 species of Odonata highlighted in IUCN Red Data listing of Threatened Species website. (7). Received TwoGold Medals in “VI & VIISouth Asian Symposium of Odonatology” organized by Societas Internationalis Odonatologica (SIOROSA) affiliated to Odonatologica, The Netherlands held at Bhagalpur University on April 21-22, 2003 and at Hislop College, Nagpur on 9-11 January, 2006. (8). Nominated as Country Representative of Government of India to participatein “28th Meeting of Animal Committee CITES” at Tel Aviv, Israel from 30th August, 2015 to 3rd September, 2015 andin “17th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES (CoP17)” at Johannesburg, South Africa from 23rd to 29th September, 2016. (9). Completed“Professional Training Programme on Species Monitoring and Conservation: Terrestrial Mammals” Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation, Virginia, USA from 09th to 20th May, 2016. (10). Received “Biodiversity Conservation Award - 2019” from the Dr. B. Vasantharaj David Foundation, Chennai during “National Conference on Trends in Higher Education, Taxonomy, Agriculture, Biotechnology and Toxicology” held at Chennai, Tamil Nadu on 17th November, 2019.
Mentorship |
Supervised 02 Ph. D. students and 18 M.Sc. students dissertations.
Research Focus |
(1). Taxonomy and species diversity of Odonata and Mammalia. (2). Behavioural studies of Odonata and Mammalia. (3). Status survey of selected Threatened Mammals species of India. (4). To prepare documents and organize training programme on “Protected Animals of India”. (5). To explore the faunal diversity, conservation and threat to habitats of Indian Himalaya.
(1). Published 102 Research Papers on Odonata, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera and Mammalia in National & International Journal. (2). Published 11 Books on Odonata, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera and Mammalia. Selected Publications: (a). Sharma, G. and Joshi, P.C.2007. Diversity of Odonata (Insecta) from Dholbaha dam (Distt.) Hoshiarpur) in Punjab Shivalik, India. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, Korea.10(2): 177-180. (b). Sharma, G., Kumar, R., Ramamurthy, V.V.andKumar, N. 2007. Major lepidopterous insect pests of vegetables in North India. Indian Journal of Entomology. 69(2): 189-195. (c). Sharma, G., Kumar, R., Ramamurthy, V.V.andKumar, N. 2007. Biosystematics studies of Junoniaorithya Linnaeus (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) from North India.Indian Journal of Entomology. 69(3): 224-229. (d). Sharma, G. and Kumar, A. 2008. Odonata diversity of Punjab Shivalik with their habitats and flight period. Fraseria-South Asian Bulletin of Odonatology.7(1/2):29-33. (e). Mitra, A., Dow, R., Subramanian, K.A. and Sharma, G. 2010. The status and distribution of dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) of the Eastern Himalaya. In: The Status and Distribution of Freshwater Biodiversity in the Eastern Himalaya (Allen, D.J., Molur, S., Daniel, B.A. (Compilers).The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Published by IUCN, Cambridge, UK and Gland, Switzerland. pp. 54-66. (f). Sharma, G. 2018. Studies on Odonata and Lepidoptera fauna of Desert Ecosystem of Rajasthan. Published by the Director, Zool. Surv. India.Rec.zool. Surv. India,Occ. Paper.394: 1-90. (g). Sharma, G. 2015. Pictorial handbook on Odonata (Damsel and Dragonflies) of Rajasthan. Publication by Director, Zool. Surv. India, Kolkata. 266pp + 93 photoplates. (h). Sharma, G., Kamalakannan, M and Venkataraman, K. 2015. An identification Manual of Scheduled Mammals of India (Indian (Wildlife Protection Act, 1972). Published by Director, Zoological Survey of India. 64 pp and 48 plates. (i). Kankane, P.L., Sharma, G. and Venkataraman, K. 2014. Status survey of some Mammals in Gujarat with special reference to Chinkara and Desert Cat. Published by the Director, Zool. Surv. India, Kolkata. 302pp. (j). Sharma, G.,Kamalakannan, M., Manna, C.K. and Debashree, D. 2016. Tricho-taxonomic studies for identification of Wild Boar, Sus scrofaLinnaeus, 1758 by dorsal guard hairs (Suidae: Artiodactyla: Mammalia).Rec. zool. Surv. India.116(3): 301-306.
ResearchGate profile |
Social Media
FB: https://www.facebook.com/drgaurav.zsi.india