Nemathelminthes Section
Nemathelminthes Section, HQ, Kolkata
Nemathelminthes section deals with the following groups of organisms: Soil-inhabiting nematodes comprising Bacterivorous, Fungivorous, Plant-Parasitic, Predatory and Omnivorous, Entomopathogenic nematodes and Helminth parasites of Vertebrates. More than 49 programmes have been handled by the section and completed the database of 26 States and UTs. The present holdings of the section include 29,988identified specimens and 7870 vials of unidentified wet collections. Besides, Type collections include 187 slides and 249 specimens of wet collections. At present Soil nematodes are being studied from remaining States, Conservation Areas and several Ecosystems, while free-living marine nematodes are being studied from both east & west Coasts of India. More than six Ph.Ds have been awarded and three students are pursuing Ph.D. More than 50 species have been described as new to science and several new records to India have been published.
Staff Strength & Specialization
Designation |
Subject/Zoology |
Specialization |
1 . Dr Anjum N. Rizvi |
Scientist-E |
Zoology |
Nematology |
2. Dr . V.V. Gantait |
Asstt. Zool. |
Zoology |
Nematology |
3. Mr. Pavel Dutta |
Zoology |
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4. Mr Vijay Kumar Singh |
Field Asstt |
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