Coleoptera Section
Pukupuku arunachalensis Gupta, Chandra and Bezdek, 2017
The order Coleoptera is the most species-rich group on this planet today and includesover 3,89,487 extant species from 29,500 generaand 176 families in four suborders (Archostemata, Myxophaga, Adephaga and Polyphaga).In order to investigate the extensive knowledge of beetles and their taxonomy in India, the Division of Entomology has beenestablished at ZSI in Calcutta since its foundation in 1916. In later years the Department of Entomology was divided into many sections for different orders of insects. Finally, in 1927, the ColeopteraSection was established. The section is located on the 6th floor of the ZSI building in New Alipore Kolkata and has the largest depository of beetles in India and even in Asia.There are currently 3,45,933 specimens in section out of which 61,086 are named and 2,84,847 are unnamed including 1,096 type species (specimens can be traced in CEL). The section is equipped with a Nikon SMZ-25 auto-montage stereozoom microscope, Leica stereozoom binoculars, Nikon DSLR cameras, and magnoscopes.
Currently the Section is involved with the survey and study of Deccan Peninsula Biogeographic Zone, Bihar state, as well aswildlife sanctuaries and tropical dry deciduous forests in the state of West Bengal.The section focusestaxonomic research on the following families:Carabidae,Cicindelidae,Gyrinidae, Dytiscidae, Noteridae, Hydrophilidae, Haliplidae, Scarabaeidae, Passalidae, Lucanidae, Geotrupidae, Nitidulidae, Coccinellidae, Chrysomelidae, Cerambycidae, Staphylinidae, and Histeridae, resultingin the publication of new species, new records in India, reviews of genera, and checklists.The scientist in the section isalso been recognized as a doctoral supervisor at University of Calcutta. Four research scholars are currently working on their PhD thesis on different aspects of beetle taxonomy. The section also provides advisory services in identifying beetles for various institutions. Thesectional museum has eight display drawers, depicting the diversity of beetles in India. In the last few years many college and university students have completed their M.Sc. Internships to learn about beetles.In thepast five years the scientists, scientific staff and research scholars of the section have described over 25 new species, reported 15 new records to India andpublished 14 books,153 book chapters, and 55 research articles.
Sectional Strength
Dr. Devanshu Gupta
Scientist-D &Officer-in-Charge
Coleoptera Section, 6th Floor,
Zoological Survey of India, M Block
New Alipore, Kolkata-700053
West Bengal, India
Email: devanshuguptagb4102@gmail.com
Contact: +91-9415288413
Supporting Staff
- Shri Ravi Kumar Kushwaha, Assistant Zoologist
- Dr. JhikmikDasgupta, Senior Zoological Assistant
- Ms. SrijaParui, Senior Zoological Assistant
- Shri Ashis Debnath, Senior Zoological Assistant
- Shri Asim Kumar Ghosh, Office Attendant
- Shri Ashutosh Sharma, Field Attendant
- Shri Bijoy Mahapatra, Field Collector
- Ms. Phulmon iMondal, Field Assistant
Enoplotrupes tawangensis Gupta et al., 2019
Neoserica panchmariensis Bhunia, Gupta, Chandra and Ahrens, 2022