General Non-Chordata Section
Linckia laevigata (Linnaeus, 1758)
General Non-Chordata Section
General Non-Chordata (GNC) section contains specimens belonging to phyla Porifera, Cnidaria, Annelida, Echinodermata and minor phyla. The specimens of the GNC section include collections made by British and Indian naturalists from different parts of the Indian subcontinent and even from other parts of the world. Our section houses a total of 8,49,742 specimens which includes 1655 type specimens.
Majority of the specimens belong to marine ecosystem and they are collected between Reef flat to abyssal depth. The surveys in the marine environment except abyssal depth are completely dependent on SCUBA up to the depth of 40m. GNC section is equipped with PADI-certified divers from Advanced open water to Assistant Instructor level. Systematics of fauna, Spatial and temporal analysis of Scleractinian corals (Latitudinal gradient) and Oligochaeta (Elevation gradient and land-use system) and bio-indicator species assessment on coral habitat are the present scientific strength of the section. The section contributes towards the primary mandates of ZSI through identification of confiscated materials (Scleractinian corals and Holthouroidea), pertaining to the fauna that comes under Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. We also support in identification of Porifera, Earthworms and Leeches for students of various research organizations.
Officers and staffs
Dr. N. Marimuthu, Scientist E (Scleractinian corals)
Dr. R. Chandran, Scientist C (Soft Corals)
Dr. Chandra Kanta Mandal, Scientist B (Earthworms and Leeches)
Mr. Surendar C, Assistant Zoologist (Echinodermata & Acropora corals)
Mr. Dhirendra Nath Das, Senior Zoological Assistant (Freshwater Porifera)
Mrs. Madhurima Bose, Senior Zoological Assistant (Polychaeta)
Mr. Prashant Sharma, Senior Zoological Assistant (Marine Porifera)
Ms. Geeta Devi, Field Assistant
Mr. Jaydev Prasad, Field Assistant
Contact us
Dr. N. Marimuthu
Scientist E & Officer-In-Charge (GNC section)
Zoological Survey of India
FPS Building, Indian Museum Complex
27, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Kolkata 700016
West Bengal, India
Mob. +91 94882 56444
E-mail. marimuthu@zsi.gov.in
Ophiothrix (Acanthophiothrix) purpurea von Martens, 1867