Dr. Bindu L
Dr. Bindu L Scientist-E |
Highest Academic degree, year |
Ph.D.; 1999
Department/Division |
Western Ghat Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Kozhikode, Kerala
Email Address |
Phone Number |
Area of Expertise |
Taxonomy: Protozoa (Testate amoebae)
Experience after Ph. D. |
26 years
Significant Achievements |
Mentorship |
Recognized guideship for PhD. under Madras University Supervised students for MSc.and MPhil Dissertation work
Research Focus |
Taxonomy and classification of testate amoebae Species diversity and distribution patterns of testate amoebae Studied the occurrence of indicator species with respect to various environmental factors
81 research papers have been published in various National and International journals
ResearchGate profile |
[Link to ResearchGate profile]
Social Media
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