
Dr. Bindu L


Dr. Bindu L


Highest Academic degree, year

Ph.D.; 1999



Western Ghat Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Kozhikode, Kerala


Email Address


Phone Number



Area of Expertise

Taxonomy: Protozoa (Testate amoebae)


Experience after Ph. D.

26 years


Significant Achievements

  • Discovered 5species oftestate amoebae as new to science
  • Reported 27 species of testate amoebae as new records from India
  • Reported several species of testate amoebae as new
  • distributional records to various states and protected areas



Recognized guideship for PhD. under Madras University

Supervised students for MSc.and MPhil Dissertation work


Research Focus

Taxonomy and classification of testate amoebae

Species diversity and distribution patterns of testate amoebae

Studied the occurrence of indicator species with respect to

various environmental factors






81 research papers have been published in various National and International journals

  • Bindu. L..2010.On some testacids (protozoa) of Melghat wildlife sanctuary, Maharashtra, India. J. of. Threatened taxa, 2(4) :789-848.
  • Bindu. L. 2010. On two new species of centropyxidae (protozoa:rhizopoda) from Pangi Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India. J. of Experimental Zoology,India,13(2): 425-426.
  • Bindu. L and N. C. Nandi. 2010.  A Synoptic list of freeliving and parasitic protozoa from Maharashtra. Pp. 13-34. In: Gupta Rajiv, K. (Ed.),Advancements in Invertebrate Taxonomy and Biodiversity.Agro Bios
  • (International) [ISBN 81-904309-1-2] pp. viii+534.
  • Bindu. L and Jasmine, P. 2019. Protozoa: Testate Amoebae. In: Manual on collection, Preservation and Identification of Soil Fauna: 19-30. (Published by the Director, Zool. Surv. India, Kolkata).
  • Bindu. L. 2021. Extended distributional range of testate amoebae of the genus Difflugia Leclerc, 1815 (Arcellinida : Difflugiidae) to India, Int.J. Glob.Sci.Res., 8(1): 1441-1448.



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