
Dr. Pankaj Sarup Bhatnagar

Scientist E

Name : Pankaj Sarup Bhatnagar

Scientist E

Highest Academic degree, year




CZRC,ZSI, Jabalpur


Email Address


Phone Number



Area of Expertise

Mammals, Orthoptera (Acrididae), Coleoptera (Coccinellidae)


Experience after Ph. D.

29 years


Significant Achievements(max 5 bullet points)

  • Published papers on Taxonomy of Coccinellidae in Maharashtra and Karnataka
  • Published papers on Taxonomy of Acridida in Maharashtra and Karnataka as well as Telangamna.
  • Published papers on Taxonomy of Mammals of Maharashtra.



Supervised 5 students for dissertation


Research Focus(max. 5 bullet points)

Taxonomy of Mammals, Acrididae and Coccinellidae



(Max. 5)



Kumar S., Sharma S., Singh F., Bhatnagar P.,Kumari N. (2021) A Mathematical Model for COVID-19 in Italy with Possible Control Strategies. In: Shah N.H., Mittal M. (eds) Mathematical Analysis for Transmission of COVID-19. Mathematical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.

Bhatnagar, P.S. 2018. Linking taxonomy and conservation. Indian Forester. 144 (9) : 808 – 811.

Bhatnagar, P.S. 2016. A Comparison of Fossils of the Two Whale Families: Physeteridae and Monodentidae (Cetacea). Mongolian Journal of Biological SciencesVolume 14(1-2), 59- 61.

Venkatraman, K.; Bhatnagar, P.S. and Mitra, Bulganin. 2014. Proceedings of  the Seminar on ‘Importance of Taxonomy in Conservation of Faunal Diversity ‘ in Marathi, 1-86 . (Published – ENVIS Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata

Bhatnagar,P.S. 2013. A classified list of megachiroptera of south-east Asia. Malay Nature Journal.65( 2& 3) : 22-29.


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