
Dr. Swetapadma Dash


Dr. Swetapadma Dash


Highest Academic degree, year

Ph.D.; 1993


Hemiptera Section, ZSI, Kolkata

Email Address

Phone Number


Area of Expertise

Taxonomy: Hemiptera

Experience after Ph. D.

30 years

Significant Achievements

- Discovered 16 new species of Order Diptera Family Drosophilidae

-Co-described 5 new species pertaing to Order Hemiptera , Family-Gerridae

- Added one new record of Marine Gerridaeto Indian Water

- Contributed to the lesser known marine insect group taxonomy

- Research on terrestrial Hemipteran behaviour and ecology


Supervising 01 PhD student

Research Focus

- Taxonomy and classification of Order Hemiptera

- Species diversity and distribution patterns of Aquatic Bugs of Protected Area of West Bengal

- Species diversity and distribution patterns of Aquatic Bugs of Dry and Deciduous Forest  of West Bengal

- Study the Lesser known Marine Bugs

-Species diversity and distribution patterns of Order Hemiptera Family Pentatomidae of Himalayan and Sub Himalayan Region of West bengal






- Books:

1. D.V Rao. Laishram Kosygin, and Dash, S.  2013 Estuaries of India: Ecology, Biodiversity, conservation and management” ISBN 973-93-82258-05-6,NBI, Kolkata-700 045.

2. Chandra. K., Raghunathan. C., Mondal. T. and Dash. S. 2016 “Current Status of Marine Faunal Diversity”, Director,ZSI, India.

3. Chandra, K.,Raghunathan, C. and Dash, S. 2018 “Current Statuts of Estuarine Biodiversity in India.” Director, Zoological Survey of India,Pp1-525.

4. Kosygin,Laishram, Dash,S., Gurumayum,S.D. and Rath,S. 2019 Fauna of Narmada and Tapi Estuaries, Gujarat ,Estuarine Ecosystem Series Director, ZSI, India.

-Book Chapters:

16 Book Chapters contributed in different faunal Series.

- Morphological and molecular characterization of Genus Anopheles (diptera: culicidae) of ganjamdistrict,Odisha, india(23.          Dash S.,2014. Morphological and molecular characterization of Genus anopheles (diptera: culicidae) of ganjamdistrict,Odisha, indiaRec. zool. Surv. India : 114(Part-2) : 317-340)

- 39 research papers in SCIand NAAS Rated Journalsand 18 Abstracts/Papers in International and National Proceedings

1.         Singh, B.K.  and Dash, S. 1994. Record of further new species of  Drosophilidae  from  Kumaun region, India. Dros.Inf.Serv.(U.S.A) 75:60-61.

2.        Dash,S. and Hazra,R.K.2011.”Mosquito diversity in the Chilika lake area.Orissa.  India” Tropical Biomedicine 28(1):1-6

3.       Dash, S. and Samuel, A.S. 2021. First record of the marine water strider Halobatessexualis Distant, 1903 (Hemiptera: Gerridae) from the estuaries of India. Aquatic Insects, DOI: 10.1080/01650424.2021.1922704

4.        E. Jehamalar& Dash, S.  2021 Three new species of MetrocorisMayr, 1865 (Heteroptera: Gerridae) from India and establishment of species groups, Zootaxa 5082 (4): 341–356

5.         Jehamalar. E. E, Dash, S., Chandra, K. &Raghunathan, C. 2023 Amemboa Esaki (Hemiptera: Gerromorpha: Gerridae) of India, with descriptions of two new species and establishment of species groups of world species, Zootaxa 5239 (1): 091–111


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